Often companies run into financial difficulties or are aware of the threat that they may find themselves in. There are also situations when a company is already threatened with insolvency, but it can be avoided by applying the right solutions in a timely manner. By involving our team of experts consisting of lawyers, financial, business management, or tax consultants, we can help you find the best solution. We have experience in solving solvency problems for both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large compani
As the board member of a company in financial distress, you have an obligation to file for insolvency proceedings unless an agreement has been reached with creditors and / or such an obligation is directly required by law and / or the company has no prospect of viability.
As a director of a distressed business, you have a legal responsibility to prevent the company from insolvent trading. Getting early advice can help you clarify your current position and options.
As a business owner or other financial stakeholder, you need to manage your potential financial risks, which can include preventive debt restructuring, legal protection proceedings and possible insolvency scenarios.
Advisor, employee tasked with ensuring financial stability in a distressed business, you need to provide the company's governing bodies or other financial stakeholders with clear advice and options for preventive debt restructuring, legal protection and insolvency proceedings.
As the person developing and / or negotiating a company's financial recovery plan, or LPP and / or ELPP restructuring plan, you need to gain majority support from stakeholders, including creditors.
As the board member of a company in financial distress, you have an obligation to file for insolvency proceedings unless an agreement has been reached with creditors and / or such an obligation is directly required by law and / or the company has no prospect of viability.
We can also help creditors and individuals with other innovative and practical solutions. Our sensitive approach, specialist experience and leading-edge methods allow creditors to maximize recoveries while helping individuals avoid a potentially disastrous slide into bankruptcy.