Public and private partnership

By combining the knowledge and practice of the most qualified lawyers and tax consultants, we offer clients professional legal assistance and representation in relation to the organisation or participation in the procedures for the award of public contracts and public-private partnership (PPP) contracts.

PPP is a form of cooperation between public authorities and private actors in such sectors as transport, public health, education, national security, waste management, and water and energy distribution. PPP is rapidly expanding, thus imposing strict requirements on the public entity and enhancing protection of private actors concerned. As a result, public entities need specific knowledge and experience in order to conduct fair and transparent procurement procedure that complies not only with national laws, but also with the requirements of European Union law. On their part private actors need professional legal assistance tailored specifically to their circumstances in order to ensure effective protection of their interests in the course of cooperation with public authorities.

We offer a full spectrum of PPP-related legal services:
  • development of the public and private partnership model;
  • general legal consultancy on award procedure of public contracts, interpretation and enforcement of relevant legislation;
  • legal assistance in the negotiations, conclusion and execution of public procurement and PPP contracts;
  • legal assistance in the preparation of tender documents, information notice, contract award notice;
  • legal assistance with the drawing up of technical and financial tenders;
  • legal assistance regarding the examination of the eligibility of bidders;
  • legal assistance in drafting and analysis of legal framework, contracts and documents of other kinds;
  • analysis of tax risks;
  • communication with relevant central and local government institutions;
  • legal assistance and representation before the competent court with regard to public procurement litigation.

Contact us

Dita Dzervniece

Dita Dzervniece

Manager, PwC Legal

Tel: +371 67094400